Amberjack was set up by passionate and determined people with one purpose: to open eyes and connect minds through story, sound and image. We create films of the highest calibre with immersive narratives that powerfully engage viewers.
We develop projects with real stories and a common goal: to explore our relationships to the Earth. Conservation is central to Amberjacks’ ideals. We look to use the media in all formats to inform so individuals can contribute to positive change, locally and globally.
Key to our work is international collaboration with talented filmmakers with different perspectives and cultural backgrounds. Embracing a 21st-century approach of multi-format media production, we specialise in innovative media forms for all screens in 2D, 3D, UHD, 8K, 360, and IMAX.

Amberjack Films has been investing in the powerful new audience experiences and creative scope that VR and AR, in their various guises, offer the film maker and creative artist. We are teaming up with visionary VR innovators, Marshmallow Laser Feast, to develop an interactive 360 virtual experience with integrated 2D film content.
The project has a strong environmental purpose and will be released with the participation carefully selected NGOs. We are committed to making meaningful improvement to habitat biodiversity through a new approach to conservation storytelling.
Marshmallow Laser Feast:
Status: Pre-production.
Collaborators: Marshmallow Laser Feast. www.marshmallowlaserfeast.com
Wildlife Photographer of the Year winners: Christian Ziegler, Bruno D’Amicis.
Images from: An Ocean Of Air © 2109 Marshmallow Laser Feast
For world-class imagery and sound, we are passionate about the gear we use. We have invested in a streamlined roster of equipment for filming in a wide range of formats, genres and environments worldwide. Fully equipped with 5K to 8K resolution cameras and Angenieux lenses, we have been working in 4K for five years and now also use 8K workflows. For IMAX we have 7 years’ experience of working in 3D for the big screen.
Amberjack is advised by industry experts to keep our finger on the pulse of emerging media technology and equipment. We work hard to design perfect gear rosters for both ourselves and our co-productions.
We tailor to the needs and means of each project, ensuring that everything will be of the highest quality, backed up cost-effectively and stored securely. Wherever we can we bring that little creative extra into what we do, whether that’s post-production, grip, lighting, camera or sound.

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